
  • Project MicroHUB - „Promoting creativity microbusiness through web tools in rural area” (2021-1-SK01-KA220-VET-000032999) aims to help micro businessmen in crafts and arts to become more competitive by supporting their creative business thinking and embracing the advantages that present technology brings.

    To be able to effectively do that, we had to find out where the skill gaps in crafters' entrepreneurial education need to be addressed. First, every partner organised online Inception meetings with stakeholders. Altogether 78 teachers from art schools/universities, artists, CEOs and managers and representatives from self-governing regions, government cultural agencies, and chambers of commerce participated.

    Then we get in touch with colleagues engaged in similar activities to get acquainted with other EU projects. 20 participants across Europe shared their expert perspectives. To gain more in-depth knowledge on the areas that need to be supported we implemented an online questionnaire in the partners´ countries with 121 respondents. After we analysed all the gathered information, we prepared the Competence Matrix, a tool, that can be used in the design and development of teaching and learning to develop entrepreneurial skills of crafters and artisans. The Matrix was then presented to 95 national stakeholders during focus groups organized by each partner to get their feedback and to do further improvements.

    The final version of the Matrix is now available on the project´s website in all consortium languages (English, Slovak, Greek, Bulgarian, Maltese, Swedish, Polish).

    The Competence Matrix will serve as a basis for Training modules in the next phase of the project.

    MicroHUB consortium: Slovakia (Technical University of Košice), Malta (IIF), Ireland (I&F), Poland (CWEP), Bulgaria (OECOM), Sweden (Sensus) and Greece (Fix in Art).