Adults learning to read for the first time in a new language: New ideas in practice
Juli 20

Adults learning to read for the first time in a new...

Multiplier Event: Adults learning to read for the first time in a new language: New ideas in...


Multiplier Event: Adults learning to read for the first time in a new language: New ideas in...

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Sutherland Building, 2 Ellison Pl, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST, UK
  • EU-Speak is a European-funded project, which over the past eight-years (2010-2018) has worked to make a difference in the educational outcomes for migrants with little or no education. The partners have reached nearly 1000 international LESLLA teachers over the last three-years with free online modules.

    Friday 20th July 2pm to 5.30pm

    • Getting started teaching LESLLA Learners,
      Nancy Faux, Virginia Commonwealth University

    • Collaborating and participating in the arts as relevant to pre-entry learners. Presentation by
      James Simpson, University of Leeds  

    Saturday 21st July 10am to 5pm

    • Language and Literacy in Social Context
      Minna Suni and Taina Tammelin Laine, University of Jyväskylä 

    • Incidental learning of vocabulary: Fast Mapping
      Andreas Rohde, University of Cologne  

    • The Digital Literacy Instructor
      Marcin Sosinski, University of Granada, Jan Deutekom, Friesland College, and Rola Naeb, Northumbria University 

    • Applying morphosyntax to writing Simply Stories
      Martha Young-Scholten, Newcastle University and Billy Clark, Northumbria University  

    • Creation of a heritage language hub to focus on learners’ languages
      Belma Haznedar, Boğaziçi University

    Venue: Great Hall, Sutherland Building, Northumbria University
    Flyer of Event

  • Kategorie
    European event
  • Datum & Zeit
    20Juli 2018 um 14:00 - 21Juli 2018 um 17:00
  • Ort & vollständige Anschrift
    Northumbria University, Newcastle, United Kingdom
  • Event Admins