REINICIAL | Boosts resilience in job seekers over 45
Scritto da Sara Forch |
Visite: 11136
InRuTou | Innovation in Rural Tourism
Scritto da isabella |
Visite: 7358
Farm Inc – Introducing Marketing Principles in the Agricultural Sector
Scritto da Georgia Dede |
Visite: 8936
Bazaar - Learn and Exchange at the Market Place
Scritto da Thomas Fischer |
Visite: 8393
PLENTIS | Play and learn entrepreneurial skills in the agricultural sector
Scritto da Jaione Santos Miguel |
Visite: 9061
CommonS - Common Spaces for Collaborative Learning
Scritto da Andrea Spila |
Visite: 8570
NOBOMA - Competences of elderly care takers
Scritto da Georgiana Giba |
Visite: 6956
Scritto da Randolph |
Visite: 8914
Ciceron - Promoting volunteering to the over50s
Scritto da Georgiana Giba |
Visite: 8488
EMPLOY ID - Empowering Public Employment Services With Innovative Learning Solutions
Scritto da Randolph |
Visite: 9151