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Lifelong Learning means that learning should take place at all stages of life cycle and, embedded in all life contexts from the school to the workplace, the home and the community. The learning society therefore, is the vision of a society where there are recognized opportunities for learning for every person wherever they are and however old they should be. It is the continuous building of skills and knowledge during one's life that occurs through experienced lifetime.

DISCUSS brings together people, who on the background of their professional or civic activities are concerned with questions on lifelong learning, with a view to learn from each other, share good practice and make lifelong learning for all reality.


DISCUSS Community

Knowledge Sharing

Learning from each other with a view to improving education practice

Project Collaboration

Public and private spaces for project collaboration

Sharing project results

Share project news and results with the community and beyond


“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”

John Dewey


Member Blog

Gennaio 21, 2025

Introducing Soft Skills+

by Istituto dei Sordi di Torino

Introduction Soft Skills+ is an exciting, new project that aims to help adults with intellectual disabilities build social and emotional skills, enhancing their quality of life. It also equips educators and support workers with tools and resources to support them…

668 hits

Gennaio 07, 2025

Twice Exceptional - Discovering Twice Exceptional Students: Talent and Challenges, All in One!

by Twice Exceptional Team

Have you ever heard of "Twice Exceptional" students? No? You’re not alone! It’s a concept that’s still not widely known but is transforming how we view education and the diverse capabilities of young people. Let’s dive into what it means…

565 hits

Gennaio 07, 2025

FLASH-RET - Effective use of flashcards for retrieval practice

by Magdalena Chmielewska

FLASH-RET is a 16-month Erasmus Plus project that aims to improve learning outcomes and promote active learning by enabling both teachers and students to use flashcards effectively. Retrieval Practice is an effective learning strategy, widely supported by scientific evidence, that…

331 hits

Dicembre 16, 2024

StressOut: A European project to help recognize, manage and prevent work-related stress and burnout

by Emphasys Centre

The StressOut project comes in answer to an ever-increasing need to help combat an issue common not only to the participating partner countries, but also to all of the EU and societies anywhere in general i.e. work-related stress.The issue of…

768 hits

Dicembre 16, 2024

EQUALISER: Closing the Gender Gap in the Modern Workplace

by Emphasys Centre

Σχετικά με το έργο EQUALISERΤο EQUALIZER είναι ενα έργο Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships στην Εκπαίδευση Ενηλίκων (2022-2024), που υλοποιείται στην Κύπρο, την Ελλάδα, τη Μάλτα, την Ολλανδία, την Πορτογαλία και την Ισπανία, με στόχο την ευαισθητοποίηση σχετικά με το θέμα των…

442 hits

Dicembre 05, 2024

TALES2SHARE Project - Promoting Lifelong Learning of Elderly Women

by Emphasys Centre

‘I am Svetlana and I came to Poland with my family in 2022, my two daughters and three grandchildren. Their husbands stayed in Kyiv to fight for our country. The journey to Poland was dangerous and we stayed for five…

632 hits

Dicembre 05, 2024

Building Bridges: The Impact of Community Videos on Intergenerational Learning

by Raquel

  In today’s rapidly evolving world, fostering meaningful connections between generations has never been more crucial. One creative and effective method gaining traction is the use of community videos that bring together youth and seniors in collaborative storytelling or shared…

495 hits

Ottobre 30, 2024

Free international conference SWITCH OFF "Unplug to Recharge: Empowering Remote Workers for the Future"

by Magdalena Chmielewska

    Free international conference SWITCH OFF "Unplug to Recharge: Empowering Remote Workers for the Future"  14th November 2024 Arterion, 69/71 Pomorska Street, Łódź, POLAND

1916 hits

Ottobre 30, 2024

The Role of Digital Tools in Enhancing Intergenerational Collaboration

by Emphasys Centre

In an age where technology and digital tools are rapidly evolving, individuals must find a way to use them to their benefit. Intergenerational collaboration can become easier with the use of digital tools, since it’ll allow for a better, faster,…

782 hits

Ottobre 10, 2024

COPE with Aggression - an international report about national trainings

by Istituto dei Sordi di Torino

In today’s world, professionals working with individuals facing intellectual disabilities often encounter challenging situations involving aggression. Addressing these situations with the right strategies is critical to fostering safe, supportive environments for both educators and those they work with. The COPE…

1535 hits

Ottobre 10, 2024

How to manage power dynamics in youth work: RAP Workbook

by Manon van Leeuwen EOLAS

RAP (Raising Awareness of Power) highlights the subject of power dynamics in youth work, helping and supporting relationships and the good use of non-oppressive empowerment and accountability practices with the aim of helping professionals to manage this issue of power…

918 hits

Settembre 12, 2024

AI-TEACH - Artificial Intelligence for primary school teachers

by Magdalena Chmielewska

AI-teach - Artificial Intelligence for primary school teachers is a 1 year Cooperation Partnership project in School Education (KA220-SCH) funded under the Erasmus+ Programme. The main project objective is to improve the understanding of the potential challenges and opportunities related…

2066 hits


“If everything was perfect, you would never learn and you would never grow.”


DISCUSS has been developed with support of the European Union. The European Commission support for the production of this platform does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

The DISCUSS platform has been evaluated by independent experts of the European Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
Here's what the evaluators say about us: 


Global Score

"Very good - DISCUSS addresses the criterion with all aspects of high quality"


"The website is precisely designed, allowing for efficient application of beneficiaries"


"A rich variety of tools
for asynchronous and
synchronous communication"


"An efficient and multi-functional tool
for disseminating and valorising
project results"