E-learning environment which adapts to different learner needs

e-Hoop aims to create a universal, dynamic and adaptable e-learning environment able to offer free personalised training solutions to all learners regardless of their learning, cultural and social background.

A Universal Learning Environment

The universal learning environment will be based on an open source training platform that will apply to different cultural and learning styles, and will allow the adaptation of learning content based on the individual learner characteristics via learners’ classification. The learning environment aims to fully exploit broadband technologies and paradigms.


The benefits of the learning environment comprise:

  • Free personalized training, to all learners of all ages especially those who face high risk of social and cultural exclusion
  • The platform is under an open source license facilitating extension and modification, allowing to every educator and learner to benefit from it
  • Educators can upload their own Learning Objects to the platform thus supporting the concept of personalized learning
  • A fun learning environment that engages learners thus decreasing dropout rates
  • Provision of diagnostic tools enabling learners to adapt their learning experience, to their individual needs.


e Hoop

Target Groups

The learning platform aims to address people of all ages and types with special provision to socially and/or culturally excluded people.

The Consortium

Partners include experts in instructional design, experienced universities in educational ICT, and organizations who will fully embrace the e-Hoop concept in all its phases.

Hellenic Open University

Neuroscience & Technology Institute (CNTI)

Asserted Knowledge (AKNOW)

New Technologies and Learning in Europe (NTL)

Youth Career and Advising Center (JKC)

Dafnord Association



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This project has been funded with support from theEuropean Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein.

Twitter: @ehoopproject Facebook: e-Hoop