Dlearn - Future of Education and Training - Second edition


The European Digital Learning Network – DLEARN – is a non-profit association aiming to embrace the challenges brought by the digital transformation in terms of digital skills mismatch and digital learning opportunities. The 47% of Europeans is not properly digitally skilled, yet in the near future, 90% of jobs will require some level of digital skills. We believe in the value of SHARING, CONNECTING, MULTIPLYING and ENHANCING the potential of our members, local territories, and people. 

As part of our activities, at DLEARN we undertake research, surveys, studies, and more, with the aim of continuously boosting European education and enhancing the awareness of European citizens towards the impact of digitalisation in their daily life.

DLEARN has implemented the 2nd edition of the research “What do you think about the future of Digital Education and Training in EU?”, designed and already shared in 2017, with the aim to collect opinions, doubts, hopes, and views about the impact produced on the field of Education & Training by the digital transformation. This survey is supported by the European Commission in the framework of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition (DSJC), in which DLEARN is a member, focuses on four main strands:  

  1. Adult learning, to promote awareness and competent exploitation of ICT within the society. 
  2. Higher education aimed to enhance digital education to overcome skills mismatch and foster innovative training models. 
  3. School, to enhance digital education to overcome skills mismatch and foster innovative training models. 
  4. Vocational Education and Training, aimed to enhance digital education to overcome skills mismatch and foster innovative training models.  

The scope of this survey is to indicate trends, give ideas for future work and signal to other stakeholders for common consideration, also minding the current situation that has fostered the implementation of distance learning solutions thanks to digital technologies. Therefore, the targets of the questionnaire are  VET, Higher Education Institutions’, School and Adult organizations

Here is the link where to take it, available in 24 languages: https://surveyhero.com/c/FutureOfDigitalEducation 

The survey is anonymous, but if you wish to be updated about the results and contribute to the discussion of the final report, which will be freely available for everyone, contact the European Digital Learning Network at “Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein..