data sharing and visualization platform for European cities and regions

To help cities better address challenges such as Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees, Poverty, and to make the most out of EU funding opportunities, the European Commission has launched a new web portal during the European Week of Regions and Cities.

The new Urban Data Platform of the Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies operated by the Joint Research Centre, gives a single access point to shared indicators on the status and trends of over 800 European urban areas – on a variety of themes, such as demography, urban development, economic development, transport and accessibility, environment and climate, resource efficiency and social issues (including share of persons in tertiary education, participation in education, percentage of early school leavers, people at risk of poverty and social exclusion).

All indicators can be applied to three types of urban areas: densely populated areas, towns and suburbs, and rural areas. See examples below:


Source: Urban Agenda for the EU

Link: Urban Data Platform



discuss urban participation in education example

discuss urban data early school leavers example