Our University-Business cooperation KA3 project "Refining HE Apprenticeships with Enterprises in Europe - ApprEnt" is collecting best practices at present. We look for cases where HE apprenticeships are already happening, or cases of programmes of cooperation with enterprises that could be transferrable (totally or partially) to HE environments.
If you are interested in this area and/or know case(s) that could contribute to our research, please contact us at apprent@eucen.eu
For further information about ApprEnt you can visit our project's website apprent.eucen.eu

Our University-Business cooperation KA3 project "Refining HE Apprenticeships with Enterprises in Europe - ApprEnt" is collecting best practices at present. We look for cases where HE apprenticeships are already happening, or cases of programmes of cooperation with enterprises that could be transferrable (totally or partially) to HE environments. If you are interested in this area and/or know case(s) that could contribute to our research, please contact us at apprent@eucen.euFor further information about ApprEnt you can visit our project's website apprent.eucen.eu

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