In just a few days, the DTAM project will reach its official closer and must say we are proud of what we’ve achieved during the past three years and it’s time to celebrate this.

“An Integral Training Curriculum for EU technicians to deploy and manage digital tools in Smart Manufacturing” or DTAM in short, is a three-year Sector Skills Alliances in VET project, funded by the Erasmus+ program of the EU. Our main goal with the DTAM project was to develop a new curriculum in digital transformation dedicated to the quality training of mid-high-level technicians in key enabling technologies for Advanced Manufacturing on one hand, and to help grow a workforce of technicians capable of understanding, installing, configuring, monitoring, analysing, transferring data and maintaining digital systems in advanced manufacturing environments on the other.


October 31st 2023


Having that in mind, the Coordinator of the DTAM project - POLITEKNIKA IKASTEGIA TXORIERRI S.COOP (Spain) partnering with a total of 10 other organisations from 5 European countries, have created 7 main valuable resources to facilitate the aforementioned project goals. Here they are:


  1. Digital Transformation Competence Index (DTCI).

    We invested quite a lot of internal and external resources and trying to find out the proper competencies for unique DTAM technician’s VET profile. Hence, we gathered data from multiple-sources which include (a) formal public and informal messages (from Govt. bodies, Industry and VET stakeholders), at conferences, in policy directives and communications, (b) desk research input from relevant papers and EU sources as well as close research into previous project initiatives and (c) a series of direct round table regional sectoral discussions. It has been developed according to the needs for a type of qualification in the labour market (i.e. the need to deploy and manage digital tools in Smart Manufacturing) and it has been verified by industrial and digital transformation experts. The index forms the crux of the curriculum and provides an invaluable tool for learners/technicians and VET staff planning for skills training, upskilling or reskilling.


  1. The DTAM training course

    Based on our DTCI, we developed a comprehensive training course with more than 25 training units on digital and transversal skills relevant for IT and OT technicians in AM environments. The training course consist of theory, guided examples and a series of challenges (practical exercises) – contained within a series of modules aimed at understanding key enabling technologies in major areas of Industry 4.0 like Big Data, Machine learning, Smart sensors, Cybersecurity and a dedicated module on Transversal skills. The training content is available in 6 languages: English, Bulgarian, Greek, Spanish, Italian and Dutch.

  2. DTAM training methodology

    To support the exploitation of the DTAM training course, we’ve developed a dedicated training methodology, offering practical and theoretical guidelines for delivering the DTAM curriculum in initial (IVET) and continuing (CVET) vocational education and training courses. The methodology is meant for both VET staff and other organizations delivering the DTAM curriculum.
  1. DTAM Trainer’s Manual

    In order to facilitate the wider adoption of the DTAM training course, we’ve created an integral guide to the DTAM curriculum for future H/VET staff who would like to deliver the training as part of formal accredited training in IVET and CVET courses. The Manual incorporates summarised elements from the methodological guide with a focus in accompanying training staff on a flexible journey through the delivery of the DTAM course with appropriate pedagogical tools.
  1. Digital self-evaluation tool

    If we are going to teach digital transformation in advanced manufacturing in an effective way, it makes sense we needed a proper tool to assist us in establishing the learner’s needs and possibly point out specific areas of improvement. Hence, the DTAM Digital self-evaluation tool. It is based on an interactive platform which includes several serious games and additional gamification elements. As a first step, by using the tool the students interested in DTAM, will run a self-diagnosis on their soft and hard skills in order to check their knowledge status, and based on their results, to select the intensity of training for the rest of their education in the course.

  2. Training platform

    The interactive multilingual platform of the DTAM project, is an open-source tool for e-learning solutions, fully customized to the needs of the course. It hosts the curriculum training materials as well as modular materials and all other pedagogical tools necessary for a smooth learning experience.

  3. IoT Hub

    DTAM IoT Hub provides access to a developed IoT digital ecosystem with an aim to build on the e-learning experience. That includes our dedicated training platform and a special setup of 4 IoT labs build entirely for the purpose of the DTAM training course, integrating all necessary tools like raspberry Pi’s and sensors to complete the DTAM training and learning experience. Remote learners with fewer resources have the opportunity to access these quality technologies and equipment via the e-learning platform. Users are connected directly to the project network of IoT labs upon registration and are encouraged in the DTAM Methodology to work together with other European students on specific digital challenges in the AM field.


The DTAM IoT Hub to facilitate the creation of a widespread network and involve various stakeholders such as businesses, educational institutions, training centres and individuals interested in collaboration. Are you one of them? Get in touch with us at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.. All of the DTAM resources are now publicly available free of charge and can be accessed via the official project website at As a final step, the DTAM partnership is preparing a set of identified policy improvement recommendations to further support the project goals in the area of VET education across the EU.


We would like to thank all our partners and everyone else who embraced the DTAM initiative as their own and helped us along the way!


Should you have any queries related to the DTAM project, please feel free to contact Mrs. Anabel Menica – coordinator of the project by emailing at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..


We invite you to take part in the project and get notified about its activities by subscribing for the official DTAM project newsletter here.


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