Nynke de Jager Discussion commencée par Nynke de Jager Il y a 4 ans
Because of COVID-19 (international) physical internships are very difficult. One solution is to do virtual, (international) internships. This means that the intern will be completing their internship without a commute and directly from their own laptop. Many of the same aspects of a traditional in-person internship still exist, think of meetings with a supervisor or teammates, completing a mix of individual and group projects, and learning about the overall company culture and industry it works in.

Enter.mode wants to promote the entrepreneurial skills of students during an internship. Do you think a student/intern can develop entrepreneurial skills during a virtual internship just like during a traditional in-person internship? Is it easier, is it more difficult? Will students/interns develop different entrepreneurial skills? Let us know your opinion or perhaps even experiences!
ida caruccio
ida caruccio Credo che il tirocinio virtuale possa essere un supporto valido in questo periodo di pandemia e oggi offre notevoli vantaggi di tipo economico e di tutela della salute individuale e collettiva ma sicuramente, dal mio punto di vista, le competenze che si apprendono in presenza non devono essere sostituite completamente dal digitale. Il supporto in termini di crescita umana che si instaura in presenza non è solo valore aggiunto, è crescita culturale ed educativa. Il y a 4 ans
Nefeli Dimopoulou
Nefeli Dimopoulou From a random check in internet about virtual internships, I came across as company which specialises in organising vitrual internships across the world (www.virtualinternships.com/). It has submidiaries in the US, in Europe and also in China. In their site there is an interesting article about The Four Emerging Models of Delivery of virtual internships. Read more here www.virtualinternships.com/the-rise-of-virtual-int…

Online Internships for Students and Graduates | Virtual Internships

Call it what you will: Remote Internship, Virtual Internship, Online Internship, Tele-working, Telecommuting, it all means the same thing: you will be completing your internship…

Il y a 4 ans
Iris Bos
Iris Bos Yes I would agree that for most office roles that would be possible since in most office roles the intern is given a computer with software on it and instructed to do some tasks under the supervision of a more experienced employee. The supervision can be easily done online since a high amount of software exist that allows for such supervision. These internships would be more difficult for role that require skilled hand labor such as medical roles but for most office internships the student should obtain the same experience as with a physical internship.

The main issues that might arouse would be regarding socializing and network building since building a network of contacts is also important in entrepreneurship.
Il y a 4 ans

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