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Iris Bos Discussion commencée par Iris Bos Il y a 4 ans
Companies should provide equipment such as laptops and computer systems for interns working from home. This is because students have mostly cheap laptops that work slowly and impediment work productivity. Moreover if the company requires an intern to use certain software it is mostly likely it will not run well on old laptops.
Iris Bos
Iris Bos Randolph: Sounds advantageous for the employee. More companies should try it. Also I find that company computers work better than regular ones. Don't know exactly why. Il y a 4 ans
Iris Bos
Iris Bos Natassa: Okay. Do you know if there would be any tax penalty for companies giving free equipment to employees/interns? Or is it the other way around because companies in Greece do not have any incentive to record these equipment? Like no tax bonus? Il y a 4 ans
Iris Bos
Iris Bos Randolph: Oh okay. Do you remember by any chance if the notebook was new? Like was it a model that appeared 2 years before being given to you? Il y a 4 ans

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