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Discuss Community Discussion commencée par Discuss Community Il y a 9 ans
What is social innovation, and how can it be evaluated?
Randolph I recommend this webinar to those working on projects concerned with social innovation. It has been produced by the Emergence by Design (MD) project, which is funded by the EC 7th Framework Programme. The project aims at supporting promoters for social change by developing a community around new theory, practices and tools.

The vision of Emergence by Design is to develop an international community around new theory, practices and tools able to construct a socially sustainable future. This international community, founded on existing social innovation groups, will collectively develop these new practices and tools on the basis of a shared theoretical understanding of how to drive and support social change.

One of the output of the project is to create a set of ICT tools tailored to the so-called Dynamic Evaluation, a system for mapping, monitoring and assessing events that provides “real time feedbacks” to innovation projects’ initiators and designers, as well as to all people and...
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Emergence by Design webinar “How to Evaluate...

Emergence by Design (MD), whose Open Evidence is partner, is a project funded by the EC 7th Framework Programme aimed at supporting promoters for social chan...

Il y a 9 ans

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