
German conservative press warns, lightweight validation of migrants' prior learning could undermine quality standards of dual training system (in German language)

Deutschlands Markenzeichen Duale Ausbildung in Gefahr Die deutsche Handwerksordnung regelt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland die Ausübung des Handwerks. Und das Berufsbildungsgesetz regelt die Berufsausbildung als duales System der Ausbildung in den… www.tichyseinblick.de/kolumnen/alexander-wallasch-heute/deutschlands-markenzeichen-duale-ausbildung-in-gefahr/
Michael At last some sense concerning validation. It is an EU obsession. Of course we should recognise and capitalise on prior learning, and give migrants opportunities to be fully involved in education systems and get good work, but let's not pretend that it can substitute for high quality training. Il y a 7 ans
Randolph Absolutely! Only recently a number of pilot projects have started their work here in Germany. Their mission is to support refugees towards making the transition to Higher Education. The first results make evident that complex arrangements must be found in order to make transitions a success. Validation of prior learning showed of some help, but its only one aspect of many.

The first results from those pilot projects make evident, that refugees in order to meet the requirements for HEI access need to spend an enormous amount of time and effort into extra-curricular learning activities, such as language courses, computer courses, courses about scientific working methods and basic seminars in the subject of the study envisaged.

By participating in those pilot projects and their obligatory course programs, the refugees are given a transitory status. They are enroled, but without formal student status. So, the courses represent a kind of "non-formal" learning, which after succesful...
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Il y a 7 ans

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