Ideas and suggestions towards building the DISCUSS Community of Practice
Dear Randolph and Brian, happy to join your conversation. I hope I can bring my small contribution. You say that « beneficiaries, such as local learner communities or educational institutions usually do not have the capacities to identify, critically analyse and develop the mechanisms required to successfully adopt innovations ». This is right, but our experience shows that knowledge exchange and transfer of innovation should go viral through physical encounters ! We were very surprised by seeing how spontaneously Ecett trainees bring innovations back from their internships abroad. This is a result of the personalized matching between the trainee and the experts but also of the « journeyman learning philosophy». To me, the biggest obstacle for transfer of innovations is bridging the gap between hearing or reading (theoretically) about someone else innovation and being involved in a global and integrated learning situation, which means : I hear, I see, I ask, I hear other colleagues...