Ideas and suggestions towards building the DISCUSS Community of Practice
hi George, thanks for sharing your ideas. I think that everybody can agree, that learning from others' experience in the course of mobility actions can be of great value, and it seems even more promising if we can connect it to existing European traditions like the "journeyman". However, I also guess that there can be no one-best-strategy to transfer innovations. Education and training are dynamic and open systems. They function in context, such as local traditions, learning cultures, institutional setups and belief systems. Thus, a solution found in one place might remain rather meaningless in another, and innovative solutions might be mainstream elsewhere. At best the effectiveness and impact of a practice can explained by its fitness for purpose, whether this be the achievement of a strategic goal or a solution to a problem, its compliance with the local context, practices and routines in place, and the local conventions determining the “value” of a certain practice. Taking these...