
Does good evidence make good education policy?

Lars Jakobsen and David Crosier on the Eurydice website just published a new Focus on article discussing how data and evidence-based policies are shaping our education systems nowadays. While developing tests and monitoring systems, are we forgetting that not everything that counts can be measured?

In recent decades there has been a strong move towards evidence-based policy making in the public sector. Few education policy-makers today would dare to introduce a reform that is not backed up by data and research evidence. But what is the nature of evidence being used, and can we rely on it to make better policy? ...

Publications Published in 2016 Focus on: Does good evidence make good education policy? Publication date: 23 June 2016 ' Everything that can be counted does not… webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/mwikis/eurydice/index.php/Publications

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