Recent research seems to suggest that a major reason for the outstanding performance of the Finnish school system in international rankings has been rigid teaching styles and strict hierarchies. After changing to learner-centered approaches around 2007 the Finnish school system dramatically dropped down in international rankings.

I wonder how the myriads of people who year for year pilgered to Finland in order to learn more about this educational "wonder" could draw such wrong conclusions.

Thomas Eckert You are right. But what makes you sure that the recent research is trustworthy?? Il y a 8 ans
Randolph I don't think the researchers of LSE would question the reliability or validity of comparative studies like PISA or TIMM-S. In their paper they simply point to the fact, that the success of the Finnish school system rather than an outcome of educational reform and modernization during the late 90s, to a great extent can be explained by long-term effects of the earlier, centralized and rigid Finnish school system. Il y a 8 ans

Real Finnish lessons - Tim Oates in conversation...

Recorded by the Centre for Policy Studies in London, UK, on Wednesday 22 April 2015Following discussion with Tim Oates of Cambridge Assessment about its insi...

Il y a 8 ans

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