A group for guidance counselors that work with migrants and refugees
INTERESTING REPORT OF THE OECD (2018): Working Together for Local Integration of Migrants and Refugees, OECD Publishing, Paris.
"This report presents 12 key points for local, regional, national and international policy
makers and practitioners to consider as they develop and implement local migrant
integration programmes:
1. Enhance effectiveness of migrant integration policy through improved vertical coordination
and implementation at the relevant scale.
2. Seek policy coherence in addressing the multi-dimensional needs of, and
opportunities for, migrants at the local level.
3. Ensure access to, and effective use of, financial resources that are adapted to local
responsibilities for migrant integration.
4. Design integration policies that take time into account throughout migrants’
lifetimes and status evolution.
5. Create spaces where the interaction brings migrant and native-born communities
6. Build capacity and...INTERESTING REPORT OF THE OECD (2018): Working Together for Local Integration of Migrants and Refugees, OECD Publishing, Paris.
"This report presents 12 key points for local, regional, national and international policy
makers and practitioners to consider as they develop and implement local migrant
integration programmes:
1. Enhance effectiveness of migrant integration policy through improved vertical coordination
and implementation at the relevant scale.
2. Seek policy coherence in addressing the multi-dimensional needs of, and
opportunities for, migrants at the local level.
3. Ensure access to, and effective use of, financial resources that are adapted to local
responsibilities for migrant integration.
4. Design integration policies that take time into account throughout migrants’
lifetimes and status evolution.
5. Create spaces where the interaction brings migrant and native-born communities
6. Build capacity and diversity in civil service, particularly in the key services that
receive migrants and newcomers.
7. Strengthen co-operation with non-state stakeholders, including through
transparent and effective contracts.
8. Intensify the assessment of integration results for migrants and host communities
and their use for evidence-based policy making.
9. Match migrant skills with economic and job opportunities. 10. Secure access to adequate housing.
11. Provide social welfare measures that are aligned with migrant inclusion.
12. Establish education responses to address segregation and provide equitable paths
to professional growth."
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