Entrepreneurial skills

Entrepreneurial skills

Sharing knowledge and good practice on entrepreneurial education


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On Tuesday, 7 July from 11:00 to 12:00 CET, eucen is organising a webinar in the context of the MAGNET project. We will share the key findings on the state of play of migrant entrepreneruship support in Europe and present the main outcomes and future events organised by the MAGNET project. It is possible to register by filling in this form by Friday, 3 July: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSed8_NVf-3g6hW6RJ…

The MAGNET project aims to support the domain of Migrant Entrepreneurship Support at the practical, political as well as the scientific level. It seeks to promote the creation, further development and broad dissemination of existing support schemes for migrant entrepreneurs. More info about the project can be found on the project website: migrantacceleration.eu/

The main objective of the App.Mod.E. Project is to give entrepreneurial skills to students who are doing their apprenticeships. The entrepreneurial mind-set is not a personal skill, but it can be developed through learning and experience. The App.Mod.E provides methodological support and practical tools to trainers, in order to include entrepreneurial skills in the learning design of apprenticeships.

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Nefeli Dimopoulou a ajouté une photo dans l'album Stream Photos du groupe Entrepreneurial skills Il y a 6 ans

Competitiveness of European economy requires citizens and particularly young people to be innovative, creative, flexible and courageous to face challenges in a dynamic and volatile economy. The optimum method to approach students and provide them the chance to develop an entrepreneurial spirit is work-based learning and especially apprenticeship, however, apprenticeships are focused on the specific vocational skills, required in the specialization and not on the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills.
Filling this gap, the App.Mod.E. project wants to develop an apprenticeship model for the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills by students in upper secondary and higher vocational education and training.

App.Mod.E. has been funded with support from the European Commission.

Competitiveness of European economy requires citizens and particularly young people to be innovative, creative, flexible and courageous to face challenges in a dynamic and volatile economy. The optimum method to approach students and provide them the chance to develop an entrepreneurial spirit is work-based learning and especially apprenticeship, however, apprenticeships are focused on the specific vocational skills, required in the specialization and not on the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills. Filling this gap, the App.Mod.E. project wants to develop an apprenticeship model for the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills by students in upper secondary and higher vocational education and training. App.Mod.E. has been funded with support from the European Commission. https://www.facebook.com/Apprenticeship-Model-for-developing-Entrepreneurial-skills-184981312255792/http://www.appmode.eu/


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