
Cork Lifelong Learning Festival organizers say:

"We're SUPER excited to announce that Cork Learning City has been shortlisted for the upcoming 'Excellence in Local Government Awards 2019'

In its 16th year, the Awards feature a total of 22 Local Authorities shortlisted over 16 categories.

Cork Lifelong Learning Festival 2019 has been shortlisted in the 'Festival of the Year' category and the 'Cork Learning City' Project has been shortlisted in the Supporting Active Communities category.

Best of luck to all the other nominees & looking forward to representing Corks amazing Learners at the Awards in November."

Chambers Ireland Website Chambers Ireland today revealed the shortlist for the Excellence in Local Government Awards 2019. In its 16 th year, the Awards features a total of… www.chambers.ie/news/local-government-awards-shortlist-showcases-ingenuity-and-ambition/

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