
If you could not join us for our recent webinar "The Entrepreneurial Employee - An EntreComp Europe Open Space webinar" with Martin Lackéus and led by the EntreComp Europe Practice Pillar on Employability and Enterprise, we have got some good news for you.
The EntreComp Europe Webinar is now available to watch online. Join Martin Lackéus of Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, one of the authors of The Entrepreneurial Employee to discover more about how and why you should use EntreComp and entrepreneurship in the workplace.

The Entrepreneurial Employee is a webinar presented by the EntreComp Europe project, where Martin Lackéus will present an overview of overview of what entrepreneurial employees do, why such behaviours are needed and how any employee can become more entrepreneurial. This is drawn from the recent EU report ‘The entrepreneurial employee in public and private sector – What, Why, How’ published by the European Commission Joint Research Centre.

EntreComp Europe Webinar The Entrepreneurial...

If you couldn't join us for our recent webinar "The Entrepreneurial Employee - An EntreComp Europe Open Space webinar" with Martin Lackéus and led by the Ent...

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