My soft skills after three months of internship

In this particular situation of a mostly remote internship I have developed and nurtured a different set of soft skills from the one I imagined at the beginning or even when I applied for this opportunity. For example, interactions with the rest of the team were less likely to become small talks, which in a way helped me going straight to the point with my messages: before the internship, I would go around something for too long maybe. Then I learned to manage time, and not let time manage me: working from home may lead to you never really stop working, while I believe it is very important (and I have experienced this firsthand) to take more breaks than what I would normally allow me to take. Another aspect that I believe it has been very important for this internship has been proactiveness: behind the screen of Teams' chatrooms, it is very easy to get lost or to simply remain passive, while on the other hand it's very important to...
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