Nada Jerkovic et 46 autres ont a rejoint le groupe Basic Skills and Key Competences Il y a 6 ans

The European Commission in the course of the new skills agenda intends to launch a revision of the Key Competences Framework in 2017. The goal is to develop a shared understanding of key competences and to further foster their introduction in education and training curricula.

The revision will also provide support for better developing and assessing these skills. Special attention will be paid to promoting entrepreneurial and innovation-oriented mindsets, including by encouraging practical entrepreneurial experience.

Reference: Communication on a new skills agenda for Europe, 10. June 2016…

The CurVe project developed a theoretically grounded and empirically based competency model "financial literacy". The model describes and structures the demands of handling money on a daily basis. It focuses on cash flow and comprises the six domains of income, money and transactions, expenditure and purchasing, budgeting, money lending and debt, financial security and insurance.

The model can be used as an analytical instrument, as further education content, as a didactic foundation or as an instrument for reflection in programme and supply planning.

The model provides professionals working in consultancy with opportunities for support within diagnostics. It can facilitate a closer look for the purpose of identifying the complex requirements of handling money in everyday life. The model highlights that financial literacy is not only focused on arithmetic skill, but rather much more on the composition of the most diverse competences taken...
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Marga thanks for sharing. Il y a 9 ans

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Randolph a ajouté 4 photos dans l'album UPTAKE ICT du groupe Basic Skills and Key Competences Il y a 9 ans

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Just added ERASMUS+ project "Eileen" to the projection section. The project seeks to promote intercultural competences and a welcoming culture in European enterprises.

With the 2006 European Recommendation on Key Competences, Digital Competence has been acknowledged as one of the 8 key competences for Lifelong Learning by the European Union.

However, there is countless definitions and even more interpretations of digital competence. The report "DIGCOMP: A Framework for Developing and Understanding Digital Competence in Europe" sheds some light on this issue, and tries to give answers.…

Just uploaded the "European Reference Framework: Key Competences for Lifelong Learning". European Commission and States in this document set out the skills and competences which Europeans are expected to acquire in order to cope with globalisation.

"According to the EC policy document, European citizens are expected to increase their "basic skills" in the fields of literacy, mathematics, science and technology. However, those skills are understood in a quite broad sense. For example, literacy can mean basic cultural techniques, such as reading or writing. But, it becomes increasingly associated with various everday practices, such as management of one's own finances, which is reflected in the term "financial literacy"... " See Randolph's full remark further below.

Dear all, I just added a new project called TEAL: Transitions into Enterprise for Adult Learners. However can't see it yet. Hope it will be visible soon.

Randolph Published Il y a 10 ans

Dear Georgiana,
thanks for contributing the RESOLVE project. A very interesting approach to using video for education purposes, indeed.

Randolph Whom should I add as contact person for this project? Il y a 10 ans
Georgiana Giba Miguel is the right person I think Il y a 10 ans

Added new project Tandem Now, which developed a role-based mentoring concept for young people of ethnic minorities (incuding traveller communities in Ireland)

"In many European countries migrant youths or young people from ethnic minorities do not have any role models in future-oriented fields throughout their job careers, neither within their families nor in their social contexts. If at all, they tend to take up traditional job trainings and jobs, as they and their families do not consider other options for various reasons.

Therefore it is considered crucial to offer youngsters mentors from their own ethnic communities who accompany them on their way to a successful VET and job career. Mentors are meant to support these youngsters as a role model in the education and training phase which is vital for their future career. It is considered crucial to offer youngsters mentors from their own ethnic communities who accompany them on their way to a successful VET and job career."...
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Hi everybody,
I would like to start a discussion on the title of this group - if we talk about "basic skills and key competences" - which skills and competences do we mean? E.g. I could think about basic skills and competences for driving a truck, but in general?

Randolph According to the EC policy documents, European citizens are ought to increase their "basic skills" in the fields of literacy, mathematics, science and technology. However, those skills are understood in a quite broad sense. For example, literacy can mean basic cultural techniques, such as reading or writing. But, it becomes increasingly associated with various everday practices, such as management of one's own finances, which is reflected in the term "financial literacy".

A few weeks ago I've been to a project workshop in Portugal, where project leaders presented their projects in the area of skills development. One of these projects aims to support citizens in the development of "financial literacy". As part of the work program they had conducted a needs analysis, during which a broad range of stakeholders (consumer associations, policy makers, business leaders, trade unions, banks) were asked about the relevance of different topics related to this "basic" skill. The results were...
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Il y a 10 ans

Here I am. Thanks to the help of Randolph I managed to join the group. I will now start inviting other colleagues to animate the group on Basic Skills and Key Competences.

Admin a publié une nouvelle discussionIl y a 10 ans

New Erasmus+ project "Uptake ICT" launched: integrating...

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Basic Skills and Key Competences