Country: Allemagne
About me: Randolph Preisinger-Kleine since 1998 is Senior manager of Praxis und Wissenschaft Projekt, an independent...
Country: Allemagne
Interests: Bridging the Worlds of Education and Work, Creativity and Innovation, E-Learning, Education Transition,...
31 Amis
Country: Grèce
Interests: E-Learning, Entrepreneurial Skills, Quality in Adult Education, Quality in VET
Location: Dublin (Ireland)
Country: Irlande
About me: Researcher based in Dublin
Interests: Basic skills and Key Competences, Creativity...
Location: Ingolstadt (Ingolstadt, Deutschland)
Country: Allemagne
About me: Working at social entreprise Integra gGmbH, Ingolstadt,...
Location: München (München, Deutschland)
Country: Allemagne
Interests: Bridging the Worlds of Education and Work, Education Transition,...