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informal learning
Bazaar - Learn and Exchange at the Market Place
Building learning societies | Promoting the validation of non-formal and informal learning
Call for Lifelong Learning Awards 2018
DAVE - Developing validation of Adult Education Trainers
European Conference on Innovative Assessment Methods for Validation
Graham Attwell: Recognising prior learning in Germany and UK
ICONET - Informal Competences Net
InnoVal | Innovative and reliable methods for assessing informal and non-formal learning outcomes
Munich meeting | Validation of non-formal and informal learning outcomes in Higher Education
Munich Workshop: Validation of Refugees' Prior Learning in Higher Education
PeerCare - Peer learning on Emotional Intelligence for Informal Caregivers
PROMOTE - Promoting and validating key competences in mobility and traineeship in Europe
Recognition of informal and non-formal learning in Germany: Selected results of national monitoring
Reflections on Communities of Practice: Experience, stories and insights
SiQuCAE | A system for quality assurance in non-formal and informal learning
Transnational Peer Review for quality assurance in Validation of Non Formal and Informal Learning
Update: EILEEN launches award for innovative ideas and good practice in intercultural learning
VINCE - Validation for Inclusion of New Citizens of Europe - Newsletter 3/2018
VINCE | Validation for Inclusion of Refugees and Migrants in European Higher Education
VINCE Validation Prize 2019 | Recognising and validating skills and competences of migrants and refugees
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