The project On Track is an European Commission funded project which aims to develop a tracking system for VET graduates of initial vocational education and training schools and institutes. The tracking system will gather qualitative and quantitative data from VET graduates, related to further education, employment, career paths, skills and competences required in the labour market.

The aim is to provide feedback on the quality of the VET’s assurance system, as well as inputs to design and improve VET qualifications and programmes, in parallel with a better planning and implementation of learning processes.Furthermore, the aim is also to offer vocational guidance and support to VET students, by enhancing the networking with the labour market, the provision of work-based learning and other additional services. Considering the objectives of the project, the main target groups are VET schools and institutes providing secondary (EQF levels 3-4) and post-secondary (EQF level 5) initial VET, as well as institutes providing further VET courses.

Nine partners from seven countries are involved in the project, namely TUKE and Astra from Slovakia, IDEC S.A. and IIEK DELTA from Greece, Intercollege from Cyprus, Biedriba Eurofortis from Latvia, NAVET from Bulgaria, PIT from Spain and 3s from Austria. It should be stressed that, apart from the main ones, further associated partners will also get involved, mostly VET providers that will participate in the activities of the project and umbrella organizations that will support the dissemination and take part in the mainstream activities.

The main expected results consist of a context study, a tracking system and a guide. The context study will focus on existing tracking systems and measures, through an in-depth analysis of each country’s current status and needs. Regarding the tracking system for VET graduates, it will be developed and pilot-tested at institute level and feed into the quality assurance system of the VET provider. Finally, the guide will be about the implementation of a tracking system and its integration into an organization’s quality system. By means of the guide, support will be offered to VET providers in the establishment of a tracking mechanism and its integration into their quality assurance system. Cedefop will also benefit from the project, because relevant data will be gathered from VET graduates, thus contributing to its task of skills needs identification.

Visit the project’s site at, for more information.